Early Childhood Pre K - Grade 1

Our early years program is specifically designed by our team of experienced international early years educators for the children of Abu Dhabi ‘to honor the past and educate for the future’. We ensure that our students have a strong sense of their own culture, values and traditions while fostering an active awareness and appreciation of global languages.

Our Early Years program is built on a comprehensive, integrated curriculum that combines the most current research on teaching and learning. This is underpinned by the high standards of achievement in the Massachusetts State Curriculum which is widely recognized as one of the most prestigious educational programs in the United States, with strong connections to renowned universities such MIT and Harvard. Its reputation is based on its thorough, challenging and progressive approach. This is complimented by the Arabic Ministry of Education (MOE) curriculum for the teaching of Arabic, Islamic Studies and Moral Education.

Our program of learning focuses on self, physical and intellectual development. Learning is multi-sensory, collaborative and stimulating. Using the Kathy Walker framework, children come to understand that learning is fun through purposeful play and inquiry-based activities. The curriculum is designed to enable students to work at their own level and pace. It provides children with the opportunity to work together sharing resources and ideas. Our students learn to interact with each other, develop their own questions and seek answers to these questions. The Early Years curriculum supports children in engaging and applying the skills necessary to be successful in the 21st Century, as it values each child as a learner and allows each child to do their very best.

Our practitioners work in close partnership with parents to ensure that all students have the best start to their educational journey. We strongly believe that parents are their child’s first educator, and our practitioners work in close partnership with parents to ensure that all students have the best start to their educational journey.  

Wellbeing and Pastoral support 

Children in Early Childhood are supported by their Homeroom teacher and also have access to the school counselor should they require this support.